“Many thanks go out to Denise Boroff of Necie Insurance Services for responding to my request for a connection to a floor planning finance company. Your quick response and excellent follow-up are very much appreciated!”
“Our employees had health insurance and the out-of-pocket expenses that were extremely high. After Denise came to our company and introduced Aflac, it helped the employees understand what they had and how to use Aflac to enhance their medical coverage. Over half of the staff enrolled. Aflac saved them money on their paychecks and our company received various payroll tax deductions reducing our tax liability. In the healthcare industry, tax savings are much needed.“
“I would like to thank Denise Boroff, Owner at Necie Insurance Services Inc/dba Necie Group. What an AMAZING, well-rounded individual! I’m so glad we’ve been closely collaborating lately on few of my commercial real estate deals. Not only my clients are getting money from the loans we process, on top of that, Denise & Associates got them extra funding through cost segregation. I consider myself pretty savvy in the Commercial lending arena but boy! What an agreeable surprise when I sat down with Denise, I learned so much about cost seg. and you’ll do yourself a great favor sitting down with her and learning more about what she does. Thanks again Denise Boroff, OUSTANDING work!!!”
“I had reached out to All Cities via Needs and Deals for insurance expertise related to autonomous vehicles. Denise took the initiative to send me some source documentation that helped identify the solutions that are out there. This is something she did to help me, even though it would not result in any direct revenue for her. Denise is a good colleague. Thank you!”
“I highly recommend Denise especially if your company has restricted Health Care requirements as we do in San Francisco. Our employees work in the Airport in the city of San Francisco. The Department of labor has very strict health plan requirement that have to meet specific deduction amounts with certain carriers. Denise was able to look at the guidelines, and design health plans based upon their requirements that fit my business model to a ‘T’. She even took the time to come to San Francisco and meet with each of my employees to explain their benefits to them. Each year she makes sure that we are compliant with all new health plan regulations. The plans she set up also give us additional tax breaks for the company’s bottom line.”
“I run a construction business. My business is small, and I have per project, and I have a core staff. Denise was able to find over $65K in tax incentives and refunds using a software the finds Federal and local tax incentives and refunds for the business. Now when I hire those employees, I am looking at anywhere from $2400 to $9600 per employee hired. I get these tax reductions even after the employee has left. Thank you for showing me how to save money and get paid for the employees that I hire per project.”
“I want to thank Denise Boroff of Necie Group for referring me to two of her clients. We are working together to provide wealth management solutions for these two great young men. One of these men owns and operates a series of preschools throughout Los Angeles. The other owns a 501(c)(3) that provides environmentally friendly irrigation and landscaping solutions to urban areas in Los Angeles. Both of these men could not have been more complimentary of Denise as a devoted professional, an advocate, and the consummate “momma bear” for her clients. She is one of the most tenacious, industrious people I have ever met, devoted to providing competitively priced benefits to her clients, and saving tens of thousands of dollars in tax credits for many of these same clients. If you own a business with greater than one employee, you owe it to yourself to spend 30 minutes with Denise.”